Sunday, October 29, 2006


(Awareness to pollution)

We all are not that fortunate to walk in pollution free environment of countyside. Most of us now a day are living in cities and towns where pollution in various form are a feature of everyday. The pollutant which concerns walking is the air pollution. The vehicular pollution level in most cities is alarmingly high.

The main airborne pollutants are particulate matters, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxides from diesel engines, motor engines and factories burning fuel. Lead pollution was a major concern a few years back, but now the level is significantly less.

Sound pollution is another concern for people in cities and towns. The honking horns, sounds of running engines and the blaring music can be really tiresome for some people. It is said that if a person is exposed to high decibel sound for a long time it can leave some effect on him. It is advisable to stay away from high decibel sound.

Though sun is beneficial for us in some ways but exposure for longer duration is not recommended. It is wise to carry sun screen lotion, sun hat and sunglasses if you want to take a walk in sunny weather.

People who suffer from asthma or lung condition are at greater risk if exposed to pollution. In certain season the pollen of flowers also give still higher risk. They can use the inhaler before going out for walking.

Though from above it seem to be a pretty bad picture if you consider pollution alone. But actually it is not so. As human, we are designed to adapt to every environment, we have already adjusted to pollution of today. Only awareness of the same will help you to stay out of pollution prone zones. The effect of pollution does not take away the benefits of walking. Only thing is avoiding the busy roads and the rush hours. Walk in parks and residential areas of town where pollution level is much below which may concern you.

Wishes for a happy walking!!

Monday, October 23, 2006


(Forest trail)

If you enjoy walking in forest trail or some adventurous spots or routes, you are to take some extra precautions and follow another set of rules of caring for the environment.

It is always better to follow the trail, rather than wandering out of it. Getting lost in forest trail if we do not have enough knowledge on it, is very easy. It not only bad for you, it is bad for the forest too.

Walking alone on trail is not advisable. You should have at least one companion, if not walking in a group. All of you should have some knowledge on medical first aid and basic survival trainings.

Let your family, friends or neighbor know where you are going. Leave a note at your residence on the locations you are planning to visit or the route you will be following.

Even if you are going for a few hours take some emergency supply with you like bottled water, few bars of chocolate, first aid kit, medical supply if you take it regularly, torch light, signal device to draw attention, and an extra layer of clothing. A rain proof cloak is very useful if you expect rain during the time /season.

It is better to walk with a comfortable boot and your body should be covered as much possible on a jungle trail.

Remember help may not be readily available in this kind of walking, go prepared. One should be able to detect medical emergencies like heart attack and so on.

Never leave any fire without dousing completely before leaving the site. Proper care should be taken for waste disposal.

The wild animals do not attack human unless they are provoked. So try to avoid them and always keep a safe distance from them.

Never forget to take a map of the area and a compass before venturing out.

You may be surprised to see the mobile phone connectivity in remote areas. Carry one fully charged and switched off. A small radio will keep you updated about the climate and weather during the time.

Discuss with friends, read available material, be informed about the trail you are going to venturing out.

Walking in a forest, mountain trail away from human habitat can be very relaxing and fun if we follow the above tips. Take a forest trail some times and unwind in nature, you will like every bit of it.

Have a fun filled and healthy walking!!


(Personal safety awareness)

Terry is always worried of walking citing personal safety, he generally does not feel comfortable in and around the area where he generally does his walking. We can minimize our risks of walking if we follow a set of simple rules.

For him and for all of us, I have tried to frame some to do list after going through some sites and discussions with fellow walkers. We can add few rules here and there to make the rules more effective.

1. Walk with someone. Encourage your spouse, friend, neighbor to join in the fun of walking.
2. Avoid spots which you already know that are not particularly safe. Try to walk in a route which is preferred by most walkers and where you meet many known faces.
3. Try not to follow a routine of walking in the same route at same time. Be innovative; change your course, route, time. It is more fun in walking in new route.
4. Do not carry any valuable on you; leave them at safety of your home.
5. Carry a mobile phone for emergency; keep it switched off and out of site.
6. If you walk alone always carry a whistle or small personal alarm.
7. Remember, your presence may affect others. Try to avoid that by not walking just behind or following someone, cross the street or walk past him/her. Avoid an oncoming walker by crossing the street to the other site if he/she seems to be afraid of you.
8. Walk with confidence with a look of assurance that you know where you are going.
9. Carry a walking stick; you will be less vulnerable target. If you choose to carry a weapon (say pepper-spray) learn how to operate it and strictly adhere to the laws of the area. Though personally I am against carrying a weapon.
10. Let your family, friends, neighbor know when and where are you going.
Avoid carrying a hanging purse or wallet. If you have to carry valuables at all, carry in a safe hidden place against you body.
11. Walk your dog if you have one, it will discourage unwanted interaction and other dog walkers will be friend to you.
12. Carry personal medications with you in case you need them regularly or a emergency medical kit. Keep a medical information slip with you always.
13. If you happen to encounter any undesired element or character, let your fellow walkers know about it also as well as inform police/civil authority.
14. Always be alert to pick up any danger signal. Talk to your friends and keep your eyes and ears open.
15. If you are still worried about walking as exercise then join a walking club. Form a new one, if there is none in your area, you will be surprised to see how many fellow walkers are actually thinking about it.

Walking with an animal can reduce your stress level. Take your dog out for a walk if you have one. It is fun and healthy for both of you.

Have a good and healthy walk!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006


(Traffic rule awareness)

By now you have started walking and enjoying it too. you are doing it by just stepping out of your home. If that is within city or a town roads and walkways you should make it a point to follow the traffic rules. There are few rules to follow for a safe and enjoyable walk.

I am giving below the basic golden tips for road safety

1. Stop, look, listen and think before crossing roads.
2. Cross the road at pedestrian crossing/ zebra crossing or at a location from where you will have clear view of traffic.
3. Make eye contract with drivers,
4. Wear bright colored/reflective clothing to be visible to motorists. Orange and yellow are the most visible.
5. Never take a chance while crossing busy road.
6. Stick to pedestrian walkways/pavement facing traffic whenever possible.
7. Obey all road signs/traffic signals.
8. Avoid heavy traffic/congested area.
9. Carry some personal identification in case of any accident.
10 Visit local libraries, information centers to get knowledge about local traffic rules information about walking routes, clubs and regulations on walking.

You can come up with additional points on traffic rule awareness . The rules are to be honored and followed with right earnest to make walking and driving is mutually enjoyable and fun to carry out.

Walking is a real fun and healthy if it is done in healthier way.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Friends often ask me what the best walking shoe is. Honestly there is no single brand that can be prescribed as the best walking shoe. We all have feet which is slightly different from others. Some feet are wider, some are narrower and some have larger toes and so on. These different shapes are quite normal. While buying walking shoe you should give attention to the shape of your feet. If the shoe does not fit your feet properly it may give you problems. Shoes that are either narrow or wide can give you blisters and callouses. If the toe box is not high enough can give bunions and hammertoes.

Our feet are also classified as normal arched, high arched and low arched (or flat). Low arched feet needs a pair of shoe which gives motion control and helps stabilize your feet. High arched feet needs good cushioning. It is easy to detect if your feet is high arched or low arched. Dip your feet in water and step on a card board. Examine your foot print. If you can see most of your feet you probably have low arched feet. If you see little of it you may have high arched feet.

There are many good brands of shoes available; some relatively unknown brands may also have products to your satisfaction. So brand is not the only important criteria here. The established brands try to have products for all kinds of feet.

Many people use boots for walking as exercise. But from my experience, boots are better when walking in very uneven surfaces; say in hilly walkways or farms etc. A regular pair of walking shoe is better for walking in general conditions. I am also of the opinion that walking shoe should have laces for a better fit.

Guidelines for buying a new pair of walking shoe:

If the following points are kept in mind for selecting a pair of walking shoe your feet will be thankful.
Look for a shoe that is light weight. The upper part should be of breathable material.
The sole should be flexible with more bend towards the toe. The toe area should be tested twisting and bending as a check of flexibility.
The most important part is the fit, the pair should fit properly. You should be sure that there is enough room in the toe box for your feet. There should at least half inch gap between you toe and the end of the shoe. Should be wide enough so that your toes can move freely. Should have good support.
The shoe should not pinch or bind.
Wear those sock, you’ll be using when walking before checking the fit of the new pair of shoe.
Hook for low supportive heels that rounds in. High hill shoe does not give a proper posture/support while walking.
Go shopping for shoe at the end of the day when your feet may be slightly swollen.
Try on both the shoes, in most cases both feet are not exactly of same size.
Walk in your new shoes around the store for a few minutes, you should be comfortable right away.
Replace worn out shoes, old worn out shoes may be comfortable but they do not give enough support or shock absorption. If the out sole is worn out it is time for a new pair of shoe. (A good pair of shoe generally gives you a mileage of 300 – 500 miles.)
Remember it is worth to pay a few dollars more for the right kind of shoe.
Make an informed decision, talk with fellow walkers, sales person and visit websites you can discover many new things which you did not know before.
In case of irregular shape of feet, a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine can be of immense help.
My personal opinion is to buy from an athletic shoe store with professional fitters or at a store where you have lots of options.
After you know what features to look for in a walking shoe you can shop with confidence. A good salesperson can actually help you in getting what you exactly need.

Bottom line: The best walking shoe are those which not only gives comfort and fit but also of good design to show off.

Remember: You need to get 10,000 steps walking per day to be an effective exercise.

Start today, few steps today will turn into this magic figure of 10,000 steps within a few days. Positive thinking is the key to your success.

Friday, October 13, 2006


In my first blog I urge you to just start walking, but I could not imagine how hard it may be just to start. Many of my friends, whom I am trying to convince the advantages of walking at least to attend daily chores, when it is within walking distance, they simply had some points to make.

John: Why should I walk when science and technology has provided us with better options.
Mark: Though my office is within walkable distance, I need the car to do the errands.
Bony: I feel insecure to walk on sideways.
Jack: I feel tired after walking.
Ron: I circle around the parking lot to get a very proper parking space.

I am not asking you to walk long distances say cover five miles and above right away. You’ll get tired, exhausted. But start slowly with determinations. Doing errands everyday? Check for yourself, probably once in three days in most cases. You cannot park your car at the most ideal place. Park at the first empty lot, and walk a few steps more. Few days hence you would park your car at the furthest point to feel the joy of walking.

Mayo clinic has a webpage highlighting the health benefits of walking.
* Reduce your risk of heart attack.
* Manage your blood pressure.
* Reduce your risk of developing diabetes (or help you to manage an existing condition).
* Manage your weight.
* Manage stress and boost spirits.
I will give another very good reason for walking
* It does not pollute the environment.

I think we can start walking as exercise if we utilize the time in a fruitful way at least initially
1. Have a proper destination in mind, grocery shop, park, coffee-joint anything which is within walkable distance.
2. Carry a portable music player, listen to good music
3. Listen to a digitized book.
4. Enjoy the surroundings. You’ll surprise to see you did not notice many things about your neighborhood before.
5. Accompany a friend, your spouse and exchange ideas.
6. Think about yourself, your agonies and anxieties. You’ll be surprised they are all gone after the walk.
7. Plan your future projects while walking, you may get the solution or way/mean to achieve it during the walk itself.
8. Slowly feel the energy within you during your walk. It’ll surprise you. But don’t overdo it.

You’ll find more excuses to start walking as exercise if you just think about it.

Remember, don’t just think about it, start walking may be a quarter mile today – it will be comfortable three miles within days to get all the benefits of it.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Walking is probably most overlooked and neglected form of exercise because it sounds too easy. All of us have to walk in our day to day life though not as exercise but out of sheer necessity. Walk a few steps to get some water, few paces to switch on the TV and so on. But we don’t do it in the form of exercise. We may rather do jogging, aerobics, weight trainings and free hand exercises to keep ourselves fit.

Walking can be a beautiful form of exercise and it cost us nothing. This is an effective form of exercise which can be done alone if necessary. It does not fill up our apartment/ house with expensive and bulky equipments. Walking releases our tension and helps us to inhale fresh air and calm our nerves as it does not involve any training.


Our body is designed to walk; nobody is to teach us how to walk. But as exercise we should follow few guidelines

Walk for at least 45 mins everyday. Sparing 45 mins may be difficult in some cases but the bottom line is regularity.
Walk at a pace of 5 to 6 km an hour. Don’t worry if you can’t walk at this brisk pace. Walk for 10 mins as fast and slow down for rest of the walk.
Change your route every now and then to beat monotony. Focus on the surroundings walk in a route which attracts you, listen to the natural sounds.
Hold your head erect and keep your back straight. Toes point straight ahead and with loose swings of arms.
Land on your heels and roll forward to drive off the ball of the feet.
Breathe deep with mouth if necessary.
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes for walking.
Walk with a partner and exchange thought and observations.

Remember walking burns down as much calories as running for the same distances. Studies revealed that walking when done briskly on regular basis it can improve the body’s ability to consume oxygen during exertion. Lower the resting heart rate, reduce blood pressure and also increase the efficiency of the heart and lungs.

There are many unique advantages of walking as advantage

a. Walking cost you nothing. It is next to free.
b. Everybody can do it, pace and distance may vary depending on person to person.
c. Walking can be done almost everywhere, we need just to step out of our house.

Dress and shoes for walking:
A good pair of shoe is most important equipment for walking. Choose a pair of shoe which is comfortable with good arch supports for weight of your body. A scientifically designed pair of running shoe with heavy soles will fit in the purpose. Also important here is the upper material of the shoe, it should be leather or nylon meshes so that the shoe can breathe.
Rest of attire will depend on the weather. Lighter clothing than the ambient conditions is preferred as the body will generate lots of heat. But in winter use layers of clothes, so that we can shed a layer, if the heat generated by body becomes uncomfortable.

Health Risk:
In general walking causes no serious health problem. It is not as strenuous as other form of exercises provided one listens to their body. In fact many medical practitioners recommends walking for people of high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. One can always consult their physician before starting walking as exercise.

The most important is to make up our mind to walk. One should start immediately without hasitation to get the benefits of walking.

Wishes for a fitter body.