Sunday, November 05, 2006


Exercise increases blood flow in one’s body, including the brain. The result is that the person becomes mentally sharper. His analytical power increases by manifold. Good chess players play physical games before any major tournament.

Does exercise make you happy?
It is established by scientific studies that walking makes you happy.

Because, walking produces a group of chemical in your brain, the endorphins, which make you happy. The chemical is produced more if you walk at brisk pace; even at slower rate mood elevation is evident in many persons.

On the other hand, walking gives you time to think and keep you out of stressful environments. Walking also refreshes you by allowing inhalation of fresh air and thereby invigorates you.

Certain group of our body muscles becomes tense as a result of stress. Relaxation of these muscles by the mild exercise like walking helps in the process.

If you are tensed up, under stress, talk to yourself, your walking partner and vent out the steam or anger. You will feel relaxed.

To me the maximum benefit is given by the time I get to introspect and think about the problem, I mostly come up with an answer or solution. I also shout a lot in an excluded place to vent out any anger left in me after walking down there which takes me around forty five minutes. The anger or steam inside me does no good to me or to anybody.

Try this method, I am confident, you will also feel much relaxed if you have to face any stress in your life.

However, if you are under severe depression or stress for a prolonged period, meet a medical practitioner. He may also prescribe you walking as a part of his treatment.

Walk for walking away stress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree walking is a great stress buster. I also beleive Yoga is another great stress buster. I get good result if I mix Yoga with walking. I meditate while walking, can you compile some material on it.
